Chances are, you work very hard for too many hours in the day. And de-cluttering is the last thing you want to do with your precious free time after you step away from the computer.
You probably know that you need to make a start de-cluttering, like yesterday, as it is just piling up and getting worse each day. Apart from that, I expect that it is constantly on your mind. So I ask you, do you even enjoy your free time anyway when you are always feeling guilty about not de-cluttering or getting organised? For most people, it becomes a procrastination point…a bit of a mind block.
For the next couple of months, I am going to give you 3 easy to follow stages of de-cluttering your home that will help you kick start the process. This will give you the starting point that you need to get going, because I promise you that once you start it will get easier – you may even enjoy the process! Ok, so maybe I am pushing my luck there.
- Choose one area to de-clutter
- Start small so that you can get to a finishing point nice and quick
- The amazing feeling you get from accomplishing this will give you motivation to move on to the next area another time
- Don’t necessarily choose the place that you are procrastinating about the most
- Start with somewhere that you can imagine finishing
- Prepare yourself that you are aiming to reduce the amount of stuff in this area by at least a quarter
- “What”, you say, “impossible!” – well I usually encourage my clients to try and halve it, so I am going easy on you
- Pull everything out of the cupboard (you will need to make more mess in order to de-clutter)
- Move things around to put like with like (For example put all the spare stationery in one spot)
- Once you see them all together then you can see what you have excess of (You don’t really need two staplers or four rulers do you)